We are all affected by our surroundings – whether they be restful, inspirational, frustrating, or downright anxiety inducing. Dental offices tend to lean towards the latter for patients and practitioners alike. The colors are drab, the furniture is ugly, and the garbage always seems to be in the wrong place! Everybody just wants to get in and out as quickly as possible. I get it. Let's focus on the wellness of patients and staff alike. While we’re at it, we’ll definitely make it look dope and make your office a place you're super proud of.

Great for startups!
​Your office is either unbuilt or simply does not function, and you need a new treatment plan. This is going to require the coordination of multiple specialties and some time when the office is out of commission.
Space Analysis & Planning
Finish Materials & Fixture Selections
Custom Cabinetry & Counters
Electrical Plan
Coordination with Consultants
Option to Select Furnishings for Reception & Staff Spaces
THE VENEER - $2500+
Great for existing offices!
Your office has some minor misalignment, abrasion, and discoloration, but all the important elements are laid out in the right place. They are just a little worn down and could be more beautiful. Maybe you just purchased a thriving practice, and you want your new patients to get to know who you are.
Space Analysis & Planning
Finish Materials & Fixture Selections
Custom Cabinetry & Counters
Electrical Plan
You Manage Consultants
Option to Select Furnishings for Reception & Staff Spaces
You are on a budget, but nobody can tell because you have amazing style! You’re working with a supplier like Patterson or Schein for all of your equipment and cabinetry, and you want a color scheme and materials palette for your office to start building your brand. You can adjust it to fit your own needs. The license is non-exclusive, meaning it is available for others to purchase, but it will only be sold 5 times and not released again. Unless the other 4 are purchased by dentists on your block, none will be the wiser ;)